BBC Spotlight: Confronting Ageism in Music with Talent Is Timeless


In a recent interview with the BBC, Saskia Griffiths-Moore, founder of Talent Is Timeless, joined the conversation about ageism in the music industry. The BBC reached out to Saskia in the morning to participate in a live discussion as part of their broader exploration of ageism that day. They were particularly interested in delving into the realities of ageism within the music industry and learning more about the mission of Talent Is Timeless in addressing these challenges.

During the interview, which aired live, the conversation naturally evolved to encompass various aspects of ageism in music. The host, John Darvall of BBC Bristol, referenced Madonna’s public statements regarding ageist attitudes within the industry where artists are often pressured to maintain a youthful appearance to remain relevant. Madonna’s remarks provided a poignant backdrop for exploring the pervasive ageism that continues to shape the music industry’s landscape.

During the interview, we explored the discrepancy between ageist attitudes within the industry and the more inclusive mindset of audiences. While industry gatekeepers may harbor biases against mature artists, audiences are often receptive to music regardless of the artist’s age. This disparity highlights the need for platforms like Talent Is Timeless, where musicians over 50 can showcase their talents and connect with a supportive community.

We also discussed the struggles faced by mature artists who may not have achieved commercial success in their younger years. For many, the journey to recognition is not defined by age but by resilience, perseverance, and a passion for music that transcends time. Talent Is Timeless seeks to provide a platform where these artists can thrive, regardless of their age or background.

At Talent Is Timeless, we are committed to challenging ageist norms in the music industry and celebrating the enduring power of talent. Our platform stands as a testament to the belief that creativity knows no age limit and that every artist deserves the opportunity to be heard.

Join us in our mission to redefine the narrative surrounding age and music. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable industry where talent truly knows no bounds.

BBC Spotlight: Confronting Ageism in Music with Talent Is Timeless

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  1. That’s a very interesting listen & I had to smile at the responses you had from the competition judges about their experience of ageism within the music industry..
    I may well be into my 70s before I release my debut album. Hopefully Talent is Timeless will still be going by then!!

  2. Very interesting. Thank you, Saskia.
    Ageism isn’t going to go away, we just have to live and perform with it as a backdrop. Luckily technology has enabled us to record and produce without having to have the clout of record company finance.
    There should be ‘Talent is Timeless’ stages at all music festivals…

    1. A few years ago, there was a Talent is Timeless spot at Bury Folk Festival and three of us were able to be there and perform. It takes a while to change the viewpoint that an “emerging artist” isn’t necessarily someone young, but we’ll keep trying! I think it would be fabulous to see a more inclusive attitude at some festivals.

  3. Well done Saskia as we all try to break down the ageism barrier that exists within the Music Industry and the Media in general in the uk.
    If we look across the pond to the US it seems to me that it is not the case, I might be wrong in stating this so it would be great to hear from some of our Members in the US and Canada.

    Keep writing, keep performing and remember age is no barrier to talent ????

  4. Really great listen and you made excellent points around an issue that affects so many different professions. With music there’s definitely an audience for older performers and I don’t mean the likes of the Rolling Stones but new older performers. Very few such artists ever break through into the mainstream yet they are often the best players writers and performers. I think the difference now is pop music has been with us as the culture of the young through a whole generation and so it’s no longer a young persons thing exclusively that you grow out of. There weren’t many punks in 77 in their 60s, now there’s loads of them because they grew up with it!

  5. Loved this…thank you Saskia…I saw an interesting take on ageism in an IG conversation that criticized TisT of all things for….wait for it….ageism 🙂 I spoke up for TisT, not that it will do much good there, as social media is not exactly the place for engaging open minded conversation, maybe especially in the rebellious former colonies (I am a Californian though, so that would be a reference to Spain, not you all in the UK :)) BUT… take on art and aging, for what its worth, is a bit of a borrowing from Mr Dylan: “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now”…ie, at 66 if I compare my poetry and songwriting, and what I do with audiences when performing, to what I was doing in my 20’s, well, I thought I knew a lot back then. I thought I was mature, older…I am grateful to be younger now, and less sure I know what I know. But MORE sure I know myself. And that is wisdom. I am GRATEFUL for the years and the miles and the dents and scratches, the aging cask and the flavor it gives the liquor…I hang out several times a week with artists who are almost all in their 20’s and 30’s, and I LOVE their music and I love THEM, but honestly…I am fed more by the wisdom and depth of lyrics and poetry from older souls…weathered, but not withered…There is a need for places where time-crafted-souls can voice and visualize their art. That being said, I find a lot of life, meaning the giving of life and the receiving of life, in doing so right amongst people a third of my age 🙂 Kevin

  6. Excellent interview, I hope this conversation can be had more and more in the public forum. If Madonna, of all people, finds that even she has to struggle with ageism in the music industry then it must be a very deeply-ingrained problem.

    I’ve just finished watching, for the second time, the documentary Fanny: The Right to Rock. Fanny were an all-female rock group whose heyday was 1970 to 1975. I had never heard of them until a couple of years ago. And they really do rock!

    What’s more: they are back! And they are as vociferous about music industry ageism as they are about music industry sexism, which you also touched upon in the interview.

    I feel so inspired by them and I recommend the documentry which can be found here (not sure whether this will parse but here, at least, is the URL), on iPlayer (I think it’s on YouTube as well):